Serving Local Businesses in Barrie, Newmarket & GTA. Remote services also available. Try our Leadership Assessment
There are a lot of leadership styles out there. But are you leading according to the style you are wired for? Leadership requires you to first lead yourself. And you cannot do that if you do not know who you are. Let’s take a look at why this matters and how you could do this.
One of the saddest things I’ve heard from a friend was that he gets paid to do what nobody else is willing to do. The job does not engage him as a person but he’s willing to do it for the money. But the reality is his role would suit some people really well! If you are leading in a way that is contrary to what you are wired for, you will lose engagement in it. Your stress levels will be high, and ultimately there will be no longevity in the position.
On top of being a consultant, I am an active psychotherapist. It is not uncommon for me to have a client who comes to me for help with work-related stress. As I work through their personality assessment, a picture starts emerging. The job environment they are in is completely contrary to the way they are wired! It is great to see them get the, “aha” moment.
I will explain 4 types of leadership. Visionary, Relational, Strategic, and Operational
Visionary leader: You are an energetic and optimistic leader. You can see the big picture in things and could inspire people towards a vision. Your main tasks are around communication, persuasion, and energizing your team.
Relational leader: You are the one that notices the needs of your people. You are the glue that holds teams together by building strong relationships and making sure everyone is supported.
Strategic leader: You are a problem solver. You get the whole ship moving by efficiently setting goals, timelines, and looking for the bottom line.
Operational leader: You are analytical, orderly, and have a high standard for the work. You are able to follow up and evaluate tasks.
Every leadership style brings it’s own strength (and weaknesses) to the table. The important takeaway though is to know what style you are. Even more importantly, you need to know what style is not you. If you attempt to be the kind of leader you are not, you will only burn yourself.
What now? Call me for a free assessment and we could deep dive into exactly which style you are. You owe it to yourself to lead in a way that truly energizes you.
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